About the Veritas Society
In Wisconsin in the mid 1990’s, the Veritas Society was launched as a program to change hearts and minds to favor life through TV ads.
While the program met with great success, it changed direction in 2015 to digital programming in order to better reach the target audience of women where they are – primarily on mobile devices.
Even though we are still producing and placing TV ads, we are also using the latest digital technology, including innovative data-set development which can save even more lives. See samples of our our media.
The Veritas Society has built a team of digital experts, researched the habits of abortion-vulnerable women in all 50 states, and has developed programs to mirror the success we’ve had in Wisconsin. This includes national, regional, and statewide landing pages and actively managed Facebook and social media feeds.
The Early Years
In 1995, after years of popular TV shows and Hollywood movies had reshaped America’s thinking on abortion, Barbara Lyons, then executive director of Wisconsin Right to Life, came to a crucial conclusion: That the pro-life movement needed to respond with an effort designed to move public opinion back toward favoring life.
The word Veritas is Latin for truth. From the outset, the goal of the Veritas Society was to share the truth about life through media, reaching the minds of young women ages 18-34.
In the early years, the Veritas Society worked with Vitae Caring Foundation, and later, with Heroic Media. Both partnerships were instrumental in sharing our message to change hearts and minds to favor life.
While the Veritas Society produces all of its own content today, there are several key principles of our life-saving work which remain unchanged from our beginnings.
- TESTING – We ensure our messaging is always thoroughly tested to be effective and persuasive. To test our messages prior to production, we continue our long-term partnership with Mike Baselice, President and CEO of Baselice & Associates, a nationally recognized public opinion research firm. We know testing helps us craft the most effective messaging. When messages are not crafted properly, or miss the intended audience, they can ultimately do more harm than good.
- TOP-OF-CLASS AD PRODUCTION – We always work with award-winning Wisconsin-based film and video production professionals who bring decades of experience to every ad we produce. Our producers, editors and directors of photography have Fortune 500 corporate ads and videos on their biographies and nearly all come from our time in association with the late Bill Eisner, Jr. and his company, Nonbox.
While our work began exclusively with TV commercials, we added a digital component in 2015. Over the years, the women in our target audience (ages 18-34) have changed the way they procure news, information and entertainment. With the shift young women have made to digital (online) sources we moved there as well, so we can be in the right place at the right time.
Reaching abortion-vulnerable women with the truth continues to be the ultimate goal of the Veritas Society, so that hearts and minds can be changed to favor life.